Brook Trout



Brook Trout are a sensitive coldwater fish native to Ontario. With their bright colours and spots, Brook Trout are one of the more vibrant fish species we have in the watersheds of the Great Lakes Basin. The Brook Trout's native range in the Greater Toronto Area has decreased dramatically over the past few decades. They were once common throughout the Credit and Humber River watersheds but are now limited to small stretches of stream in the upper headwaters.


  • Increasing summer water temperatures due to urban runoff and climate change
  • Overharvesting
  • Alteration of stream flows due to urbanization and climate change

Check out this video about the decline in Brook Trout in the Credit River watershed

Ontario Streams leads restoration projects in the Upper Humber watershed to improve habitats for Brook Trout and other species. In headwater streams, such as Boyce's Creek in Caledon East, we have maintained healthy river features by planting native trees and shrubs, managing invasive species, and more! In the fall, we survey headwater streams weekly to monitor spawning behaviour to better understand the health of Brook Trout populations and their habitat.


The Coalition for the West Credit River is dedicated to environmental protection, conservation and restoration and is working to create awareness so that present and future generations of children, residents and visitors may continue to experience pristine nature in close proximity to the GTA. They are greatly concerned about losing this sensitive habitat and its biodiversity in this UNESCO Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve location.


The West Credit River has one of the few remaining self-sustaining native Brook Trout populations in southern Ontario. This thriving population of Brook Trout will be placed at risk of imminent demise as a result of sewage effluent discharged from the proposed Town of Erin Wastewater Treatment Plant. Brook Trout are the canary in the coal mine. They are a highly sensitive coldwater species and their survival relies on stream temperatures no greater than 19oC – 20oC for any sustained period of time. 


The Coalition for the West Credit River supports growth and sustainable development with a wastewater plant that does no harm.


Our partners in this project include Trout Unlimited Canada – Greg Clark Chapter, Izaak Walton Fly Fishing Club, Ontario Rivers Alliance, Belfountain Community Planning Organization and West Credit River Watch


More information about the Coalition for the West Credit River can be found here:

West Credit live cam can be found here:

Ontario Streams provides science advice, monitoring expertise and communications support.



Belfountain is a small hamlet in Caledon, Ontario. This village has many natural features as it sits on the Niagara Escarpment and home to waterfalls, wetlands, Brook Trout, and Jefferson Salamanders. The Belfountain Community Planning Organization was started in 1987 to support community-based projects to maintain this historic hamlet. Here are some key highlights about our project partner: 

  • Committed to Preserving the Rural, Heritage and Environmental Integrity of the Hamlet of Belfountain and its Environs
  • Member organization of the Coalition for the West Credit River:
  • Current issue: Need for robust environmental protection measures for people and nature in the face of forecasted land use change

More information about Belfountain can be found here:

Ontario Streams supports the Belfountain Community Organization in protecting the Brook Trout habitats and wetlands within the community through the provision of science-based groundwater expertise, ecological studies and evaluations.


Donations to support these studies and evaluations can be made here

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